​​​​Elkhart Housing Authority

1396 Benham Ave. Elkhart Indiana  46516

HCV Fax # 574-293-0580

​Inspections are conducted at least bi-annually. In order to continue receiving assistance through the HCV Program, participants must allow a Housing Quality Standards (HQS) inspection to take place. Inspections are also conducted any time the family moves units.  Questions regarding the inspection process can be directed to the HCV Inspector.

Common Reasons Units Fail HQS Inspections:

  • Smoke alarms are missing or not functioning.
  • Infestation.
  • Required ground fault interrupters not present.
  • Outlet covers are missing or broken.
  • Windows are broken or locks are missing.
  • Secure railings are absent around a porch or balcony that is 30" or more above the ground.


​​​Phone # 574-295-8392


LIPH  Staff

HCV Staff

​​Fax# 574-293-​6878