​​​Phone # 574-295-8392

​​Fax# 574-293-​6878


LIPH  Staff

HCV Staff

​​​​Elkhart Housing Authority

1396 Benham Ave. Elkhart Indiana  46516

Open Requests for Proposals at this time   

Lawncare and Snow Removal Services
The Housing Authority City of Elkhart will accept proposals for Lawncare and Snow Removal Services for our various Developments and Properties until 4:00PM (local time) on the 14th day of March 2025, at the EHA Central Office Facility located at 1396 Benham Ave, Elkhart, IN 46516.  A complete copy of the Request for Proposal can be obtained by contacting Erik Mathavan at erik.mathavan@ehai.org or clicking below:

Click here for the full Notice to Bidders and Specifications​

Key Dates:
Posting Date: 2/19/2025
Bids Due: 3/14/2025 by 4pm (local time)

Rosedale High Rise Water Piping Replacement
The Housing Authority of the City of Elkhart, Indiana will receive sealed Bids in its offices at 1396
Benham Avenue, Elkhart, Indiana 46516, until the hour of 3:00 p.m., local time, March 27, 2025. A
public bid opening will occur at that time. Any bid received after the above designated time will be
returned unopened. The work shall be performed as per Plans and Specifications prepared by
Alliance Architects, 929 Lincolnway East, Suite 200, South Bend, Indiana, and Bids are desired for
the Rosedale Water Piping Replacement, in Elkhart, Indiana.

Work includes installation of new domestic cold water, hot water, and hot water recirculation supply
lines in the basement and connection to existing vertical stacks at the Rosedale High-Rise

Click here for the full Project Manual

Clickhere for the project drawings

Click here for Addendum #1

Click here for Addendum #2

Key Dates:
Pre-bid meeting: 2/26/2025 @10am (local time)
Bids Due: 3/27/2025 by 3pm (local time)

​Open Public Bids